First real post-In Defense of Bee Movie

It occured to me that it might actually take me a while to make this website look the way that I want. So I might as well work on creating actual content for it while I work on the aesthetics. 

Is this a safe space? 👀 I actually do like Bee Movie.  Hear me out for a second though...I was genuinely not aware of the romantic subplot. I quite genuinely thought and still think of Barry and Vanessa as platonic friends. Honestly? I assume that characters are platonic friends until presented with other evidence. So keeping that in mind, Bee Movie is a good movie just fine movie.

Barry is a young twenty something (I'm assuming), who just graduated and doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. Very real if you've ever felt a little lost. Barry meets a human woman named Vanessa who turns his attention to the fact that bees are being "exploited" by humans. Even though he's kinda got it wrong and the metaphor is sorta broken, the big idea is that every job is important. Everyone plays an important role in our world. Throw something out of wack, like bees ceasing their honey production, and it throws the world into chaos. Without each other, we won't survive. We need connection and community.

I've been a bit down in the dumps over the past year. Depressy wessy, as one might say. Especially when it comes to the fact that my sense of connection to myself and to my people has felt different than it has in the past. I've noticed that I've either drifted away from people through being in differing stages of life and responsibilities or through that classic of overthinking a response to somebody and then it's been months years and I've been mourning that in a big way. Maintaining a community takes work. Intentional work. It takes discomfort and vulnerability. It's also okay for the community to change. Community doesn't necessarily get rid of the depressy wessy. It does, however, give us more support when we feel that way. Being intentional about spending time with my community has been so valuable.

One of the coolest lessons I've learned from my mentor so far wasn't even taught on purpose. I've learned not to think too hard about certain things. For instance, I'd now be able to say "thanks for hanging out. I really enjoy spending time with you. You're such a fun person to talk to." If I thought something like that before, I'd think it and then wonder if I should say it out loud because it's "too much." Too sincere. We can't build community if we're afraid to even say anything nice to someone. We can't build community if we're too afraid to be seen. We can't have an impact on our community if we're so afraid to do the wrong thing that we don't do anything at all. Let people know that you appreciate them. Every bee is precious. Every single bee. We need each other. 

This article was updated on June 13, 2024